terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008

EPICA - The Divine Conspiracy (2007)

EPICA - The Divine Conspiracy (2007)
01.: Indigo - Prologue
02.: The Obsessive Devotion
03.: Menace Of Vanity
04.: Chasing The Dragon
05.: Never Enough
06.: La‘petach Chatat Rovetz - The Final Embrace
07.: Death Of A Dream - The Embrace That Smothers Part VII
08.: Living a Lie - The Embrace That Smothers Part VIII
09.: Fools Of Damnation - The Embrace That Smothers Part IX
10.: Beyond Belief
11.: Safeguard To Paradise
12.: Sancta Terra
13.: The Divine Conspiracy
14.: Higher High (Bonus Track)
15.: Replica (Bonus Track)

Download álbum completo Easy-Share.:http://w12.easy-share.com/1621741.html

Extended InfoSite Oficial: http://www.epica.nl/
Orkut: http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=16763
Origem: HolandaEstilo: Symphonic Gothic MetalFormação: 2003
2003 - The Phantom Agony
2005 - Consign to Oblivion
2005 - The Score - An Epic Journey
2007 - The Divine Conspiracy

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